Wednesday, April 15, 2009

In Every Room of the House

As A Flamer

As a Flamer (a student body member of Liberty University) one realizes that lessons learned are inevitable. As I sat in Convocation (chapel) this morning listening to yet another world- renowned speaker of apalogetics, I realized that among weeks of mudane church- going and comings, that I am truly blessed.
The speakers, my professors, the 61 other girls with which I live and even the 45 brothers I am associated with teach me all daily.
When one visits LU for the first time, even if they do not voice it, I know their heart's immediate reaction: "Wow. What a place."
Now that reaction could be good or bad to the person thinknig it- but for me, and everyone that I talk to about LU, this mountain is a true by- product of the University's life verse:

"Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty."
2 Corinthians 3:17

The spirit of the Lord truly does encompass himself on this great mountain!

This morning in convo I earned yet another great lesson.
After all that has happened in my life, which to some may seem uneventful but to me great, I have learned that God does wish to utilize me for the sake of His glory. What an oppertunity I have to live out what John speaks of in his book in chapter 9 verse 3:

"Neither this man nor his parents have sinned (speaking of a born- blind man), but this happened so that teh work of God might be displayed in his life."

Lord! Please display your work through whatever area of my life You choose to use!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

And After Much Delay

And after much delay, I have decided to continue in this sport of blogging. After much encouraging from those around me to adequately speak my mind, and after an assignment from a women's ministry professor; here I am once again on the net giving my opinion despite whether people read it or not.
My women's ministry professor reminded me that because I live in Virginia people all the more care about what is occuring in my life and need to be informed about it, even though I may not have anything interesting to say. I've learned that its just not my grandparents and mother who care about my random, every happenings, but all of those people out there who care and have invested their live in to mine.
So this is for you, after much delay, you have invested in my life. This if for you to keep up with the things that God is doing... whatever they may be.
I pray that you laugh, cry, hope and have fun along my journey with me in
"Insert Land Here."

This is the first topic up for bid that everyone around me is simply making an uproar about.
This, my friends, is David.
Cute, right?
And what a godly man he is! After meeting John Norwood last summer, I received the priveledge of meeting David over New Years in December. What a great night that was. I was unaware that four months later I would be speaking with him on the greatest invention in the world, SKYPE, while he is away serving his God and country in Iraq.
The greatest adventure we had was when my father of all peole allowed me to go and visit David for four days in Killen, Texas where he is stationed at Fort Hood!

As I was picked up from the airport, I got into David's truck to see a stuffed giraffe (my favorite animal), a number 1 combo without pickles and a diet coke from Chik- fil- a (my favorite meal) and a surpise to go and enjoy our lunch on a private lake owned by Fort Hood... who knew army men payed attention to detail? This was one of the greatest lunches I have had in the middle of February in 70 degree weather with an incredible man!

On Saturday of our last weekend in American, we got to spend the entire day in San Antonia- what an amazing city!
One thing you must understand about David- he is quite the planner and everything must be perfect (he reminds me quite a bit of my dad.) So David bought tickets for all the touristy things to do in San Antonio, we saw the Alamo (not a very big deal in person) and had a gorgeous dinner right on the River Walk!
Playing around San Antonio was amazing. I am so looking forward to the day when David comes home from Iraq.
It is definitley an adventure watching this man serve his God all the time, his soldiers in Iraq and even doing his best to serve me while im here at Liberty.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I thought that when I became a "leader" in the youth group that I would cease to learn, and simply "do" the teaching. I thought that I would continue to dislike the leadership and disagree with the way things were being accomplished. I assumed that I would grow out of a lot of old habbits and form entirely new ones. I do not know how far off my assumptions currently are.
Metamorphosis 2008 was quite an experience for me. Teaching freshman girls is a challenge for any person, no matter who they might be. More than anything, I learned (yes, I did learn) that my generation is in a sad state of mind when it comes to the Gospel. Why were the girls that Tray, Syd and I were teaching non- responsive? I wish someone would explain to me why they would stare blankly at our faces when the three of us overwhelmingly and passionately shared about Jesus Christ who died and rose again on our behalf!? Why?
Maybe this is something I am to discover on my own. Maybe God is simply going to continue to refine me; break me down and bring me up, that I may better know that all I need is to seek Him daily. These girls have broken my hearts, and I simply do not know what to do about it.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm a new blogger.

This is my Lynchburg Family :

So i've been persuaded to not begin a blog, for I am not tracking my child's birth or working up to my wedding date, or am an obnoxious grandmother constantly adding new portraits or even a college student with Journeyman going out to a foreign country.
No, i am none of these things, but I am simply a college student struggling through... everything... in order to every day know Jesus Christ more and more and make Him known into all the nations.
So here I am letting the world in on my life as Katie Gardner.